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Technology in Education Workshops 2020

Google Educator 1 Certification Overview

Tuesday January 28

Downtown Campus FS 3.418

The workshop will last 50 minutes and will be available at three time slots:
Noon to 1PM, 2:30 to 3:30, 5 to 6PM


Distinguish yourself as an educator! Local school districts value teachers’ proficiency with Google. This workshop will give you an overview of how you can become a Google Certified Educator. Corresponds with ISTE Standard for Educators 1 Learner: Learn from others and explore promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.


Introduction to Google Classroom

Tuesday February 11
Downtown Campus FS 3.418

The workshop will last 50 minutes and will be available at three time slots:

Noon to 1PM, 2:30 to 3:30, 5 to 6PM

Most local school districts use Google Classroom. This workshop will enable you to set up Announcements, Assignments and Grade book in Google Classroom. Corresponds with ISTE Standard for Educators 2 Leader: Support opportunities to support student empowerment help shape a vision and advocate for student equity.


Differentiation with Google Forms, Branching Google Forms

Tuesday February 25

Downtown Campus FS 3.418

The workshop will last 50 minutes and will be available at three time slots:

Noon to 1PM, 2:30 to 3:30, 5 to 6PM


Google Forms can help differentiate instruction by setting up branching based on student responses. This workshop will prepare you to use Forms for individualized learning activities, formative assessments, student reflections, exit tickets and more. Corresponds with ISTE Standard for Educators 5 Designer: Design authentic learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.


March 9 to March 14 Spring Break


IPADS for K-12- Give Every Student a Voice with Flipgrid
Tuesday March 17
Downtown Campus FS 3.418

The workshop will last 50 minutes and will be available at three time slots:

Noon to 1PM, 2:30 to 3:30, 5 to 6PM


This workshop will instruct you to set up Flipgrid exercises for your students on IPADS. Flipgrid can enhance many subjects.  This session will focus on Math and Language Learning. Corresponds with ISTE Standard for Educators 4 Collaborator: Collaborate with others to improve, practice, discover and share resources and solve problems with others around the globe.

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